Student Investor FAQs

What is Odds On VC?

Odds On VC is a venture program that provides student investors with capital and resources to invest in peer-led startups.  We take on a handful of students each year to train and mentor as they source and diligence startups.

What does a student investor do?

Student investors learn the ins and outs of the industry and gain access to the PJC venture team with a combined 40+ years of venture capital experience. Our student investors help source and assess investment opportunities at their college / university while establishing a relationship with the student entrepreneurial community. Student Investors work closely together as a cohort to evaluate investment opportunities, building relationships within their group of exceptional peers. In cases of exceptional investment opportunity, the Odds On VC fund invests capital and student investors help manage the entrepreneur relationship.

Who’s eligible to apply?

Our student investors are undergraduate students in the Greater Boston Area. We accept students from class years of sophomore and above.

While we prefer to provide the opportunity to students in the Greater Boston Area to ensure an in-person instructional component, we are always open to making exceptions for exceptional applicants and encourage all to apply.

What are you looking for in a student investor?

The ideal candidate is an undergrad student with a passion for venture capital, entrepreneurship, and building rewarding relationships. We are looking for someone….

  • With a deep passion for startups, entrepreneurship, and investing

  • With a unique background that allows them to connect with teammates and founders from all walks of life

  • Who can develop and maintain strong external relationships

  • With a natural ability for working with unstructured, real-world data

  • Who thrives thinking outside of the box

What is the commitment?

We understand undergrad is a busy time, so we want to keep things efficient while maximizing your experience. We expect student investors to keep up with the following (committing roughly 5-10 hours a month):

  • Attend virtual team meetings 1x a month

  • Attend university / city-wide pitch competitions 1-2x a month

  • Evaluate potential investments and prepare pitches for the investment committee

  • Build and maintain relationships with startup founders

  • Join the team for dinner around Boston 1x a semester

This sounds awesome. How do I apply?

Applications are closed for 2023 / 2024. Check back over the summer for info on the next application process!

For further questions email Kathleen at kathleen@odds-on.vc

Student Founder FAQs

As a student founder, you have a great idea for a product. But you need support and funding for that to become a reality. Here’s some answers to your biggest questions, including how we can help you as a student entrepreneur:

What is pre-product funding?

Pre-product funding is money invested to help you build a minimum viable product (MVP). Also known as angel or pre-seed money, it’s most likely the first round of funding you’ll do as an emerging company. The funding amount is usually below $150k USD, but can be up to ~1M.

What do you trade for funding?

You will usually trade equity in your business. The amount of equity varies on a case by case basis. 

How much are we involved as investors?

We don’t want to get in your hair on the day-to-day of building your product, but we love to help you when it comes to making introductions, lending advice, and providing mentorship. We want you to succeed in your endeavor as much as you do! We’ll back your corner as you embark on this adventure.

What do we look for in the founders and startups that we invest in? 

  1. A solution to a problem: at the core, we’re looking to invest in people that are solving problems. Show us the market opportunity for what you’re building. What need does it fill? And for who?

  2. Product plan: We love to see proofs-of-concept or prototypes that show us how your product will work. Even if your prototype isn’t fully complete, we want to hear your plan and vision, and how you plan to make it a reality. How do you plan to distribute the product once it’s done? 

  3. A passionate team: we’re excited to learn about all the people involved in your company. From partners to advisors and other investors, tell us your roles, your stories. Who are the people you plan to hire down the line? Tell us about them as well.