
Odds On VC is a student-run venture fund betting on bold startups and their odd thinkers.

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Odds On what we bring to the table-16.png

We see incredible opportunities in new, raw ideas.

We understand that in order to win big, you often have to take bigger risks. We see incredible value in teams and founders who are willing to go outside the normal way of thinking, and are hungry for experimenting and testing out old ways of thinking.  We are willing to bet on those odds and see value across all sectors.

Need help making your MVP? Let’s talk.


We back and bet on ambitious student founders.

We’re student investors backing our peers. We look for founders that are ambitious with a strategy-focused mindset. We are open to all forms of educational backgrounds. What matters is experience, work ethic and the ability to fail, learn and grow.

Meet the team


Are you a student founder with an idea that needs backing? Or interested in becoming an Odds On VC investor?

Let’s talk!
